You read it right. Another set of enhancements!
These are the updates that we have implemented today:
POS Improvements
1.) TRANSACTIONS PAGE now have “Item” and “Notes” column. This makes it easier for the receptionist to review all of the completed transactions.
The ITEM column displays the services, product, or package purchased by the customer.
The NOTES column displays any note that you typed in the notes box.
2.) All voided transactions are now recorded. This serves as a security measure which enables you to review all voided or deleted transactions. Each voided transaction requires the receptionist to type a reason for voiding the transaction. Voided transactions will have a red background in the Transactions page.
3.) Editing or deleting a completed transaction now requires an authorization password. Receptionists with just a Regular POS access wont be able to update or delete completed transactions, they have to inform you or request a password from a manager first. You can enable or disable this feature. Click here to know more.
4.) All of the staff are now listed in the staff drop down list even if they are on a scheduled leave or day-off. This is specially helpful during times wherein a staff who is scheduled to be off but she suddenly decides to work overtime or if the admin forgot to update the staff’s schedule.
5.) When adding payments, a Transaction Review Page will pop-up. This allows the receptionist to double check the transaction details before adding the payment. The receptionist will be able to double check if the right services, staff, discounts and prices are in the transaction. You can disable this pop-up. Click here to know more.
Improved Reports
1.) We have added an EXCLUDE PAYMENT OPTION filter in the DAILY SALES report. This allows you to exclude payment options from the list of daily sales.
2.) In the exported EXCEL files we have removed the currency sign (PHP) from the amounts. This will allow you to sort and make formulas of your own in the Excel file.
3.) VOIDED TRANSACTIONS REPORT. This report displays all the voided transactions.
Other Improvements
1.) When you add new services, products and packages at the admin dashboard, a pop-up notification will appear if you leave the commission box blank. This serves as a reminder just in case you accidentally forgot to type the commission. You can still add items without commissions.
2.) Server upgrade. We recently upgraded our Amazon Server to improve the speed of the software. Hopefully, this helps our clients with slow internet connection. Hopefully… =)
Something to look forward to
Our Mobile App is now complete. We are just doing some final checks. Expect the Mobile App to be launched next week!
The Mobile App will give you on the go access to real-time reports on all of your branches!